Come June and the rains are here. After waiting two hot months, the monsoon is finally at the doorstep with its cool rain. I have already been drenched twice. Waiting for the full force. Had a lot of mangoes this year. Saw my sister get married to my best friend. All in all it has been a good season. It really changes ones outlook when some one close to you gets married. When my sis got married, suddenly she was no longer my kid sister, but woman! suprising, how you dont notice it before. Fuel prices set to rise again. Hmm that is inevitable i guess, but 10 to 16 Rs. thats gonna cut down on my biking. Now that the world is really facing a fuel crisis, (and Mr. Bush please dont blame Indi and China, its the US which consumes 25% of the world oil), its time we humans took stock of our activities. I think car pooling should be made mandatory. It would be a good idea to ban all motorsports. These sports consume a lot of fuel and high quality at that too. Lets hope people come to their sen...
In most cases, one has little control over what happens around him / her. It just happens. At that time the best thing to do is look at life in the eye ....then Smile and Wave as it whooshes by.